21 Οκτ 2007

Why so much cruelty? (fur stories)

I received an e-mail with this link which really made me freak out and get overwhelmed with ghast and fury... If you dare, take a look (common splatter films are children movies compared to it). If you love animals, try to watch it. If you don't, and especially if you wear animal fur or decorate your house with animal skin, you definetely have to watch it.... Cause you are part of the cruelty, even if you don't ever bother to think about it.
Τι τραβάνε οι φίλοι μας τα ζώα για μερικές και μερικούς κοκορόμυαλους.... αν έχετε παιδιά κοντά σας, απομακρύνετέ τα καλύτερα... Παραείναι βάρβαρο θέαμα για αθώα παιδικά μάτια... αλλά ενθαρρύνετε τα παιδιά σας να σέβονται και να αγαπούν τα ζώα... έστω και μακρόθεν, αν έτσι θεωρείτε πιο σωστό.
If you dare... go to:

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